Amateur Radio [mcc.ac.uk]
5-Band-N0ABA Award
- is sent absolutely free to any amateur radio operator who can complete two-way communications with N0ABA on 5 HF bands.
- amateur/ham radio site featuring links to related sites.
Ajacks WB90TX Radio Page
- freq. look-ups, call book, lotsa links.
Amateur (Ham) Radio
Amateur and Other Radio Hobbyist Links
- links to popular amateur radio, shortwave, and other sources of radio hobby related information.
Amateur Radio [Don Irving]
Amateur Radio [hawaii.edu]
Amateur Radio [inlink.com]
Amateur Radio [ncsu.edu]
- A full featured Amateur Radio server, with an online Repeater Database (which you can add repeaters to), Newsline News in html format, Real time satellite pass predictions and more!
Amateur Radio [qrz.com]
Amateur Radio [QST]
- links, ham calls and more.
Amateur Radio [Steve Cloutier]
- free online ham radio forums and discussion groups, using WebNotes.
Amateur Radio [Syms, Robert]
- links to radio related stuff and links to other radio operators on the net.
Amateur Radio [tripod.com]
- links to dealers, manufacturers, and accessories.
Amateur Radio Chat
- Webchat Broadcasting System Channel
Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory
- A list of mentors, experts, and gurus for amateur radio, who either maintain Internet info sources or will answer E-mail questions.
Amateur Radio Gateway Internet
- Gateway AX25/TCPIP JNOS for amateur radio in the University Federal of Parana State, Curitiba, Brasil. Server telnet, ftp, http, axip, netrom. All users are welcome.
Amateur Radio Newsline
- independent, on-the-air bulletin service with news from the world of amateur radio.
Amateur Radio Operator-Online Magazine
- featuring news and information from the entire Amateur Radio World.On-Line Internet Hamfest On-Line Classifieds for Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio Spread Spectrum
Amateur Radio World
- Local, regional, state, country, and global amateur radio information.
Amateur Repeater Builders Page
Amateur Satellite
AmSoft - World of Ham Radio CD-ROM
ArizonaONE Wireless Web
- statewide organization comprised of amateur radio clubs.
- America Radio Relay League.
Australian QRP
- resource for the low power (QRP) amateur radio enthusiast.
Beginners Guide to Ham Radio
Boatscape!!-Boatanchors Vintage Radio Page
- Reference page for images of and information on the use, restoration, and collection of vintage, tube-type Ham and Shortwave equipment.
Bookworm Amateur Radio Page
- free email forwarding service for ham radio operators.
Cape Cod's Radio Hobbyist Center
CQ Contest
CQ Radio Amateur
- La revista del radioaficionado.
CQWW Contest
- CQWW Contest news and useful data
Dallas Amateur Radio Club
- on-line magazine covering ham radio, shortwave listening, scanner monitoring, and other hobby radio topics.
DXZone, The
- radio and DX resources for DXers.
Electronic Applications Radio Service
- a non-profit organization maintaining the EARS Wide Area Repeater Network.
Ham Homepage
Ham Radio [Wright, Avery]
Ham Radio and More
Ham Radio Articles de ka5ztx
Ham Radio On The Internet
Ham Radio Online
- HAM-server is an email file-server for amateur radio operators not having direct internet access. There is approximately 60-MB of stuff currently online for DOS, Windows, OS/2, and Mac.
- Quarterly magazine for amateur radio designers and builders. Lots of projects and theory.
Hamfest and Convention Calendar
Homebrew QRP is Gud 4 U
- build your own QRP CW station. Information, blueprints, and price estimates.
How to Ham
HR Showcase
Info HAM Park
International Handicappers' Net
- information on Handicapped Hams.
Internet Guide To Shortwave Broadcasters
Internet Ham Shack
- hamfests, classifieds, Ve Exam Schedules, links and club home pages.
K0JD's R2/T2
- data on amateur radio equipment construction using the R2 and T2 modules by Rick Campbell, KK7B.
KB5VQI (local DFW,Texas) Amateur Radio Information
KE6LHW Repeater Science Project
KE7GH BitBucket/Yaesu
Listing of Ham Radio, Computer, and Electronics Swap Meets
Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
Maritime Radio
Museum of Radio and Technology
- antique radios and TVs, 1936 5kilowatt broadcast transmitter and amateur radio display.
My Room in the Basement
- ham radio related sites and info.
- a full service amateur radio packet bbs that also provides a bidirectional gateway to internet.
No Spam...Ham!
- a link devoted to resources for people interested in Ham Radio.
North Texas Balloon Project
- launches helium balloons carrying ham radio equipment, amateur television, and GPS equipment.
Novice Notes Online
- Australian Internet resource for beginners to amateur radio.
- setup to run a contest on HF bands. This page is to keep you informed.
Picosat System
- This is an amateur radio satellite constellation project offering 24 hours/day communications plus cellular-like features.
Propagation Maps
- hourly updated Global Maximum Usable Frequency maps.
Radio Resources
Raper's Ham Radio Corner
- links to "Urgent Issues," FCC, Usenet newsgroups, callsign servers, ham licensing, and much more.
Roity's CB Radio Pages
- theory and applications for the hobbyist and those wanting to learn more.
Shortwave/Radio Catalog
- international and shortwave radio information from Australia. Contains up-to-date schedules, broadcasting lists, and links to radio stations.
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment - SAREX
Signal Radio
- details and info on the company, programmes, presenters and much much more.
State Of The Art
- 2 meter SSB transceiver. Ongoing project of the high quality 144 MHz SSB transceiver, for EME, MS, Contest and other weak signal modes.
Transmitter Documentation Project
- contains information listing shortwave broadcast radio transmitters worldwide.
US Amateur Radio Exam Practice Page
- All exams from Novice to Extra can be taken, all figures are provided.
Virtual Collins Radio Museum
Virtual Hamfest
- An online swap meet featuring ham radio, computer and electronics classifieds, hamfest calendar, stolen radio listing and vendor links.
WB4UDS NOS WebServer
- jump to Hamradio on the Internet.
Wireless Set No. 19
- site for collectors and users of the historic 19 set; provides information, articles, inventories and actual operation documentation from wartime manuals.
World Famous Chicken Net
- the premiere two-meter net north of the Golden Gate. Amateur Radio 145.190 Mhz pl 88.5.
www.guy.com - The Grand Master
- helping you learn to surf ham radio
Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Home Page
- detailed information and history.
YS1ZKR Satellite DXpedition